[Mã giảm 5%] Cambridge English Empower Upper Intermediate Student's Book With Online Assess

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Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Upper Intermediate Student's Book gives learners an immediate sense of purpose and clear learning objectives. It provides core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functional language, pronunciation and conversation skills, alongside video filmed in the real world. Each unit ends with a consolidation of core language from the unit and focuses on writing within the context of a highly communicative mixed-skills lesson. Students also have access to the Cambridge Learning Management System, which includes a complete assessment package with extra personalised practice and online workbook.

Cambridge English Empower Upper Intermediate Student's Book With Online Assess

Thứ 2 - Chủ Nhật 08:00 am - 05:30 pm
ONLINE 9 phút trước