Sách Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) 7

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Nhiều tác giả

Nhà xuất bản Cambridge University Press

Số trang: 160

Kích thước: 19cm x 24.5cm x 1cm

Cân nặng: 330g

Năm xuất bản: 2013

Giới thiệu sách

This book contains four official tests for the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) exam from Cambridge English Language Assessment. These examination papers for the Preliminary exam provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the exam and to practise useful exam techniques. Colour visual material for Paper 3 is included for each test.

Key features

• Contains four official examination papers from Cambridge English Language Assessment making this the most authentic exam preparation material available.

• The Student's Book with answers contains a comprehensive key and recording scripts making it ideal for self-study or classroom use.

• Contains a helpful overview of the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) exam to familiarise students with what to expect in the exam.

• Contains photocopiable answer sheets so students can practise transferring their answers within the time allowed.

Sach Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) 7 Giảm giá Sách Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) 7. Sách hiếm mà mua được giá còn rẻ hơn nữa nên rất hài lòng. Cám.

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